Author: elizabethdhunter

Gardenias, geckos and the sixth extinction

Each day here I am surprised and charmed by a new plant, flower, seed, or animal. Figs, olives, cactus, geckos, herons, red chipmunks, passionflowers, hawthorns… I can smell the biodiversity of this place. Thick, pungent smells of pines and roses and cedars hit me when I walk through the park and streets, and whiffs of…

By elizabethdhunter November 15, 2019 Off

Vu d’ici

Close your eyes and breathe deeply; it’s like you’re in a tree house in the top of a majestic pine forest. The smell is thick and sweet, cinnamon-sea. The pines extend into an urban forest protected by the municipality, la Fôrêt des pierres blanches (the White Stone Forest) that spills into red roof houses and…

By elizabethdhunter October 24, 2019 Off